Tate Britain
Museum Monday
Image via Sunday Times photographer Richard Pohle
Headed South of the Thames on Sunday to pay another visit to Tate Britain.
Home to the largest collection of British Art in the world, and some impressive tile game & staircases too! The museum displays the majority of it's permanent collection in an unusual way. Instead of being divided by theme or movement the work is presented in chronological order, meaning you can walk from 1500 to Present in an afternoon.
Tate Britain describes it as, "This ‘walk through time’ displays the collection from 1545 to present and has been arranged to ensure that a full historical range is always on show. There are no designated themes or movements; instead, you can see an array of art made at any one moment"
Branching off from the chronological displays are vast open halls (I attended a few fashion week shows in these very same halls not long ago) and spaces dedicated to Henry Moore and William Blake.
Francis Bacon
Triptych - August 1972
Stand out pieces include;
The exterior
Millais’s Ophelia.
The Gift shop!
The swirling staircases, tile game and stunning ceilings!
The study of Mme Gautreau (the precursor to the infamous Portrait of Madame Gautreau)
The Work of Sir Francis Bacon, (and this heartbreaking fact about his 1972 Triptych) -- >
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